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Halo Christian Dream Symbol

Dream Interpretation

Halo Christian Dream Symbol
A Christian symbol or icon is an image or symbolic representation, such as the Halo, with sacred significance which can manifest itself in a dream. Christian symbols and symbolism which can appear in a dream often contain a moral or religious lesson or allegory as explained in the Biblical and Christian Dream Dictionary.

Halo Christian Dream Symbol - Bible Quotes and References

The Halo is is symbolic of divinity and supreme power. The Halo Christian Symbol an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint as illustrated in the above picture of St. Peter. A bright ring represented in painting as surrounding the heads of saints and the whole bodies of other holy persons. Also referred to as an aura, corona, gloriole, glory, aureole or nimbus. The halo conveys the concept of transcendence of the physical body.

The halo is also connected to the Circle as a Christian Symbol symbolises eternity as it has no beginning or end. Many early Christians believed that there was something divine in circles. Early Astronomy and astrology was connected to the divine by most medieval scholars, the circular shape of the sun, moon and the planets were related to God's act of Creation. The luminous circle, usually prismatically colored, round the sun or moon are connected with halos.

Dream Interpretation
Christian Dream Symbols
Sleeping Trouble

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