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Geese Christian Dream Symbol

Dream Interpretation

Geese Christian Dream Symbol
A Christian symbol or icon is an image or symbolic representation, such as the Geese, with sacred significance which can manifest itself in a dream. Christian symbols and symbolism which can appear in a dream often contain a moral or religious lesson or allegory as explained in the Biblical and Christian Dream Dictionary.

Geese Christian Dream Symbol - Bible Quotes and References
Geese as a Christian Symbol represents and symbolizes providence and vigilance.

The Meaning of geese as a Religious Christian Symbol together with the Allegory / Moral detailed in the Bestiary is as follows:

Geese can smell the odor of man better than any other animal can. The allegory is therefore that the goose can signify men who are prudent and knows of other men by their good or bad reputation. As the cackling of a goose is a warning of strangers this can be interpreted as warning the community of disruption by the wicked.

Dream Interpretation
Christian Dream Symbols
Sleeping Trouble

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